Saturday, March 01, 2008

Fall...rising from the dead.

A week ago was the long and hard to endure common was a week after the chinese new year. Now I found out quite a number of my results. It was not as good as last year. I screwed up both my physics and Chemistry papers as well as my E-maths paper. Especially physics paper, i lost 15 marks of pure-idiot prove careless mistakes. Could have attained 70/80 but thanks to my mistakes,....Chemistry was also another flaw as well as maths...(don't wish to talk about it) But no point crying over spilled milk. I realised my vital mistakes and I hope I would not repeat them during the Os. This week not in a very good mood. However, i will never give up, i would continue my best and lift myself out of my carelessness. Instead of feeling demoralise,I felt motivated and willing to strive for the best and be the best above the rest!!!Every great scholar,scientist or nobel price winner in history had started out with nothing but are like what I am now,student,if they can do can I. I promise my dead grandfather i would be back and bring glory from hell to heaven. Mark my words...I WILL BE BACK!!!
