Thursday, February 19, 2009


Monday: Nothing much,lectures and lectures...and I finished the physics tutorial...going a step ahead!!!! Chinese lesson sucks...i was 90% away.Thats all

Tuesday: Went for the usual lessons generated on the timetable. Did PE and my timing for 2.4km sucks.Finally can do one pull up.haha. During maths tutorial lesson,teacher made me explain to the class a question on implicit differentiation she randomly set. Got my PW group...odd formation. 2boys(including me),3 girls. Went back to KSS to find Mr Kat and Mr Lim. Walked home with them after that.

Wednesday: Economics lecturer was so fast,i merely absorb the contents of the lesson. GP lesson was ok. I was asked to explain the meaning of GLASNOST AND PERISTROIKA. Then assembly on total defence. Teachers gave quite alot of political views and diplomatic terms...i slept in the air conditioned hall for 15mins,drafted out my revision timetable and smsed some friends. Later in the day,went for the ALCHEMIST(science club) meeting for some adminstrative things....then left half way through to meet xin ying and ace. Together,we went back to KSS to meet Gabriel. Went into the staff lounge and did a bit of work,chatted and talked loads of crap. Then,walked home with Mr Kat. In the night,did some revision and work.

Today:In the morning,fought and quarreled with a mentally handicapped person on my block. I called him a DOG. Lessons as usual. I sounded rather monotone,lifeless,completely drained. Slacked during breaks and during 1hour lunch break,went to train pull up with the guys in my class...after that,shi yuan,zhen yang,yong xiang,jia ming and i headed to a desserted spot in the school compound and started training intensively for our pull ups and then trained our shuttle run. Ya...thats all....i am tired so going to sleep le...



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